A time for choosing 2.0

Regardless of how far conservatives attempt to reach across the aisle, their hand will always be cut off . It’s time to choose a side

During the 1964 Presidential campaign, Ronald Reagan gave a televised campaign speech on behalf of Barry Goldwater titled “A time for Choosing” , which launched Reagan into national prominence. Reagan would later become Governor of California in 1966, and of course, President in 1981.  The speech is considered by many on the right and left, as a defining moment in political history, with George Will of the Washington Post once commenting,  “Goldwater won the election of 1964. . . it just took sixteen years to count the votes.” If you read the speech today, it is almost haunting in it’s warnings of Marxist ideology gripping the United States, with Reagan saying, “The Founding Fathers knew a government can’t control the economy without controlling people. And they knew when a government sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose. So we have come to a time for choosing.”

It’s time to not only revisit those words, but to actually start living them. In 2023, we face another time for choosing, one in which we decide to stay a country that has long been the destination for those fleeing the same ideological principles now being popularized by politicians such as Bernie Sanders, or become one that believes government is the answer, that believes  the role of capitalism is not the path to prosperity, but rather complacence to simplicity. Despite the decades of horror Stalin, Castro and other socialists implemented on their citizens, today more than a third of millennials approve of communism. This is an astronomical failure of our educational system, and the reasons for it cannot be ignored. There are many outstanding teachers in the world, but unfortunately, many of them unapologetically blame capitalism for the so called climate crisis, though bizarrely, ignore the fact that poverty has drastically declined since 1900, and today, less people suffer from climate catastrophes than ever before. It has also become convenient for climate alarmists to ignore the heat waves experienced during the 1930’s, and instead start calculating temperature increases after the 1950’s to make their case. Al Gore once stated that we would be in a climate doomsday by 2014. Obviously, that hasn’t happened.

It’s unfortunate that many conservatives out there choose to stand on the sidelines rather than be vocal in what they believe. The left to their credit, have been bold in pushing an agenda that preaches the foundation of the United States is rooted in racism, and have seen much success with this narrative. It’s a philosophy that preaches individual needs are more important than self sacrifice, that patriotism is futile. Democrats ignore the words of one of their most iconic figures, who once said “what you can do for your country”. It is time for conservatives to embrace those words, as well as the words Reagan spoke in “A time for Choosing”.

It’s difficult to determine if the course of the country can change, since it is difficult to beat campaign promises of free education, healthcare, and even universal basic income. The Covid-19 pandemic proved that Democrats have no interest in the working class, since it was the lockdowns they pushed that allowed major corporations to earn record profits, while punishing small businesses. However, this might not matter to millennials or generation z, both of which will be the dynamic voting block in coming elections. Overall, their concerns mainly focus on abortion, banning 2nd amendment rights, drug use, free services, and appropriate pronouns. To think that only 70 years ago young men and women, despite political differences, believed in a cause greater than themselves to a generation that now only cares about individual needs should be heartbreaking to any American who believes through good or bad, we are still the beacon of freedom around the world.

Systemic change has been in motion since Barack Obama assumed the Presidency in 2008, an almost revolutionary movement that has fundamentally sought to minimize the foundation of the United States, and instead, replace that foundation with Marxism ideology. To say this is an exaggeration ignores the level of influence Marxism has had on our educational and judicial systems. It’s influenced our media as well as entertainment. It would be difficult to find a platform, even in the corporate world, which today panders to demographics such as the transgender community, in which the push of socialism isn’t prevalent. But it’s time to stand up and advocate for the values we believe in, and of course it won’t be easy, nothing ever is. The fate of our nation depends on it. This isn’t a call to say that others cannot live their lives as they choose, because what would be the point of freedom if that were not the case. This is rather a call to push back against the idea that Marxism leads to a more prosperous life, and that government is the only way in which we can achieve it.

You can either decide to stand on the sidelines or make your voice heard. It’s time to choose.

Until next time




