Abolition vs. Reparation

I have always considered myself an abolitionist and continue to do so, there is no greater offence to the human spirit, or Infringement of a “God Given Right” in my mind, this is an offence and injustice against all of mankind, and it must be brought to its end.

Currently there are over 40 million SLAVES across this planet which means there is a great deal more people enslaved now than the entire 400 years of Slavery that are currently covered and spoken about.

The 400 years there speaking about only covers this continent IE America covering the timeline that Amerigo Vespucci arrived in 1499 upon the northern continent that we now call America, to the end of the American civil war 1877,

And while everyone is talking about reparations I have to speak out on this issue one must also acknowledge the fact that Slavery has been around for thousands of years and that the timeline of 400 years was just a continuation of what was already in place and had been in place for thousands of years prior.

One must acknowledge that the claim for reparations is nothing more than the demand for a cash hand out supposedly to pay for the sins of our ancestors, none of the people demanding reparations were there when these atrocities occurred, and none of the people they are demanding reparations from were there to commit any of the atrocities.

What is now considered to be some form of a racial division is actually exposed and exploited discrimination, for political purposes, and it is being driven by your local, and national news media, who are under the control of the Democrats, the Democrats are attempting to re-institute Slavery but buy using there positions in government to institute policies allowing them to control everything you do, it’s called a socialist dictatorship, they call it “There Democracy”
keep it in mind that Russia a communist country is a Democracy

If they can’t own you directly, they’ll own you through Government control- IE Socialism you become the property of the state, and they will maintain control over you, through policies, Regulations and Laws, to make them wealthy, and through exploitation, they will calm ownership, over all that is yours, they will dictate how you will live your life, where your allowed to go, what your allowed to eat, and what your allowed to believe.

Most people don’t make the connection between Slavery and Socialism with slavery your owned by the individual with Socialism your owned by the state

Slavery doesn’t care about your Color, or your Race, it doesn’t care about your sex, or your age, it only cares about Control, and Domination, to Slavery you are nothing more than a tool a possession, just like there horse, or a tractor, or any other equipment, you are owned, and at the discretion of the Slave Owner, who will use you to make them wealthy, or allow them to live the easy life by exploiting your labor for there comfort.

Instead of asking for reparations they like myself should be appalled by the current slavery issues and demanding freedom globally. The video links included here should be watched carefully and pay particular attention to which side of the political realm the discrimination comes from, and who writes and institutes JIM CROW laws.

Henry Louis Gates Jr. presents a vital new four-hour documentary series on Reconstruction: America After the Civil War. The series explores the transformative years following the American Civil War, when the nation struggled to rebuild itself in the face of profound loss, massive destruction, and revolutionary social change. The twelve years that composed the post-war Reconstruction era (1865-77) witnessed a seismic shift in the meaning and makeup of our democracy, with millions of former slaves and free black people seeking out their rightful place as equal citizens under the law. Though tragically short-lived, this bold democratic experiment was, in the words of W. E. B. Du Bois, a ‘brief moment in the sun’ for African Americans, when they could advance, and achieve, education, exercise their right to vote, and run for and win public office.







We The People are Pissed

