Chappy’s Blog         “Agravante”               October 11, 2022

Okay, so you’re at home watching football with some family and friends. Someone brings up Climate Change, and how it is causing havoc around the world. Artificially induced human weather is causing storms, oceans to rise, hotter weather, crops to fail, and other negative things to numerous to mention. Someone counters the argument saying that the “Climate Change” science is theory, and has not been proven yet. In a room full of different opinions and views, it soon become apparent that the room is full of people that have no awareness or understanding of the facts. It is this way all over the United States. Opinions rule the day, real facts about any of the social issues of the day are handled in much the same way. Everyday people rely on outside influences for the information, and really do not make the effort to research the issue for themselves. What is the truth ? !

Truth….who knows ? Anybody figure out why Bill Gates bought 269,000 acres of farmland. Was it to develop a crop base for profit, or for nefarious reasons ? Anybody question why the federal government is getting us into more debt by borrowing more and more money from China. Is it good to have a debt service that pays out $66B  in interest every year. Is the borrowed money being used responsibly  ? What about “abortion” ? Is it moral or not ? There are other issues, such as, the homeless problem, illegal immigration, drug use, parent rights, genderism, rampant crime, court reform, and other stuff. Is America in deep doo doo or not ? Has it become too much to handle or to think about ? Or is this chaos by design ? Is it a setup for a complete takeover ?

The work that is required to conduct proper research is sometimes boring and tedious. It requires one to go beyond the usual Google search box. Reading, a lost pastime is always required. Research on the history of just about any subject should begin with  “firsthand accounts”. Remember that current times cannot be used to compare against past history. People in the past lived differently, and experiences were particular to their time. Many people revise the history of the past, in an effort to insert their current world view, thus justifying their own opinion, which is in error ! This type of error is easy to spot once the research is in progress. If you start at the beginning of the source material, “first person” accounts, you will be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. While reading up on the first source material, you likewise will be able to identify any biased opinion that the writer has.

Best sources…Government records, local, state, and federal ( ). Public and college libraries, Library of Congress, NPR (the reporting is sometimes biased left, but information is mostly good), Sci-Hub, Google Scholar, PubMed, and many others. Once the effort has begun, you will discover many other sources that you have never heard of. The effort that you put into finding the facts of truth will be worth the effort that you put into it. The world puts out lots of facts that turn out to be misinformation, or just flat out lies. Media is at the forefront of this, and sadly, politicians push their agenda’s on us, leaving no recourse for us, other than looking for the truth in an effort to discover facts that avow or disavow what we are being told. Our future as a people and country needs to demand the truth before we spout opinions that are unsupported by facts.

I once wrote a history research paper on frontiersman, Kit Carson. Carson had been branded as an unsophisticated Indian killer with no heart. I hit it hard, found first hand accounts of people that lived in his time and knew him, or that had researched his life. I turned in my paper and it caused quite a stir. I discovered to my satisfaction that Kit Carson was an honorable man that was not responsible for the atrocities that modern historians held him to, and he was far from unsophisticated. Yes, he fought in some skirmishes against Indians as a “soldier”, but was in fact, a friend to many. Kit Carson spoke a total of seven languages, including, English, Spanish, Navajo, Apache, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Paiute, Shoshone, and Ute. Not bad for an uneducated man, wouldn’t you say. I landed up speaking at a history symposium about my paper, and many wrong opinions about Carson were nullified. I had the facts, and because I did, I was able to confidently answer all the questions that were asked of me.

I am not asking you to be a complete expert on any given subject. All I ever ask for is for people to think before they act or speak. Things that affect you and your family directly are the sort of things that you should study before you accept outside information. Try to remember that your world starts with your family, and then goes beyond. Your agenda is the overall health of your family, so it is important to listen closely to somebody else’s agenda before your accept their facts. It is vitally imperative to check out the facts, especially in today’s world of constant change.

In a practical world, things would  be handled in a sensible and realistic way. The United States (World) seems to be spiraling out of control because pragmatic thinking has left the room. I protect myself and my family by obtaining truthful facts, and by writing in this blog site, “”. I try not to judge, but to awaken minds to the possibility that maybe we are being lied to ! The best way to determine what is true or not, is to research the information that we are being given. It is better to be safe than sorry !

“Agravante”…….”Aggravating ”

Before You Act, Be Informed, Be Who You Are, Be Free  ( motto)
