Chappy’s Blog    Feb. 19, 2022

The United States of America is in the midst of a conflict of interest that will ultimately determine its future this year. The conflict is that politics and politicians have fooled us into believing their empty rhetoric that spills out of their mouths. We have been led to believe that our lives are solely dependent on them only. To say no to these people is the new “mortal sin”. The punishment is to be shouted down, and shunned. Within my own family and friends, a division of contra-opinion has been unfurled so wide that I do not see a time in the near future when we all can come together to heal. Social media cyber rags like Facebook and others, have become the idyllic haven of otherwise uninvolved denizens. Whether climate change, abortion, immigration, and now the Ukraine/Russia conflict, people speak their mind as authorities of nothing. Politicians, and their media storm troopers pound out the latest narratives over and over again, until the lie settles in and triggers the uninformed overreaction of the self-perceived social media expert. I’m not lying, I was one of those. I awoke from the nightmare, realizing that I was being used by expert manipulators. I was focused on the talking point, relying on the drug that gave me my daily high, but one day I said no more. I looked inward, and discovered that my strength originated from my independence. I rediscovered myself, embraced truth, and moved on with this blog site to impart a personal narrative. Looking at the world as it stands right now, I see a world in turmoil and conflict. A world that is rarely seen or noticed by the political social media crowd. A wounded globe!

As I sit at my desk, comfortably writing this blog, drinking a cup of coffee, many people on this planet are being killed, many are slaves, starving, homeless, persecuted, or controlled by edict, decree, propaganda, or threat. Most people in the United States are aware of the Ukraine invasion by Russia, and yet have no idea that the aforementioned is happening now. The only news items that the major news outlets report on concern the Ukraine invasion, and Bidens agenda, and some minor news. Other than that, we are ignorant of what is going in the rest of the world. What is shocking to me is that most Americans are unaware of the real battle going on in our own land. The very soul of our country is under attack, and the consequence will be the loss of freedom of choice. The rest of the world has been a living witness of this (and victim) for many years. I’ll identify some of this revealing reality to you now.

Ukraine is the obviously the first, as President Putin moves forward by any means necessary to annex that country, and to subjugate the Ukrainian people. The prize that Putin seeks involves what all dictators desire, expansionism and dominance. This conflict is the latest American 15 minute experience. The problem with this latest emotional thrill is that this conflict has the potential to expand into a large regional conflict, and possibly into a war that could engulf the entire planet. Meanwhile, brutal actions against people around the world are taking place as we complacently poke at each other over social media. Here is a list of some of the action in other parts of the world.

Mexico……….33K murders last year. Fueled by a corrupt government, Mexican cartels are at war all over the country. Thugs run rampant throughout, murdering, kidnapping, robbing, stealing, assaulting, transporting illegal aliens, and running sex slave markets. Churches are vandalized, and clergy are regularly kidnapped and murdered. The soul of Mexico is gone! Mexican drug smugglers have and are smuggling drugs into the U.S. every day. Americans are the biggest customers of these drugs, and many Americans profit from the billions of dollars that this garbage produces. Mexicans are frozen in place by the threat of violence against their families by the cartels, and in some instances by government authorities. The corruption of the country is deeply imbedded, into the culture. There is little hope that it will change for the better in the foreseeable future. Mexico is second because it is our immediate southern neighbor. The corruption has been seeping into our country for some time now. Beware!

Lebanan……….most Americans have no idea about what has happened in Lebanon. The country is poverty, with a banking system that is practically non-existent. Torn between different factions of Islam, it is being used by Islamic terrorist factions as a base in which to train terrorists for deployment against the world. It is a very dangerous place. It is 255 miles north of the border of Israel. The Middle East is going to be involved in many more future conflicts. Lebanon with become even more of a staging ground for terrorists.

China…………is our main adversary! The U.S. has become dependent on their goods, and as time goes on, they will dictate the terms of the relationship between us. We in the United States are tied in to comfort and convenience. We are falsely relaxed in the confidence of our security.  The thinking is that nothing can harm us, but I say to you, look around you! Check out the crime taking place around you. Much of it has been allowed to happened because we fell asleep. China is watching all of this, and I guarantee that when they come for us, we will be so internally weak and divided. It will be a cake-walk for these communist overlords. Our weakened state has many causes besides crime. I challenge you to expose the information about this for yourselves. Is it not about time we search out the truth about ourselves?

Iran………… a terroristic unitary Islamic republic. Iran wants to dominate the Middle East using force if necessary. They want to produce atomic weapons as their main armament. The U.S. is once again negotiating with Iran to allow the country to develop nuclear power for energy needs. Iran broke the last treaty. This is another topic for you to research if you want.

Other Hot Spots…….U.S., Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Cuba, Yemen, Haiti, Myanmar, Islamic Militancy in Africa, Israel-Palestine and Iran-U.S.-Israel. Bear in mind that civil unrest is being experienced in many other countries. The world is trouble. My own personal thinking on this is that people are uneasy, and are reacting to the controls that are stifling their personal freedom’s. Here in the U.S. we sampled this “control” over the last two years. The edicts, commands, and mandates over that period pretty much summed up our lives. Much of what we were told was a false narrative, designed and propagated to plant the idea that someone else knows what our best interests are, thereby bypassing our own personal thinking and action. That type of control is what is causing people to question and rebel against government(s) attempts to assert total control over the lives of its citizens. This is “Totalitarian” control. Study it, be truthful to yourselves, and find out for yourselves, if this is not true.

Ukraine does not stand alone in this age of control. many other peoples are in trouble all over the world. Trust in your own common sense, do the grunt work and find the real truth for yourself. It’s your country, you’re the government. If you vote and elect someone to represent you in any office, make sure that this person represents your interests and needs. We will never restore common sense in the country again, so long as politicians are regarded with such high esteem. They are supposed to be us! Please, please, start THINKING, the day of reckoning is coming!
