Chappy’s Blog       June 12, 2023  “Constitution Has Fallen”


I’m an independent thinker on most things. I fact check, I run idea’s, theory’s, opinions, news pieces, and events through the mill before I talk about any thing that I may have heard about. These days, seeing is believing. As the natural laws are reversed by evil intent, the country that has provided a safety buffer zone for me and my family is disintegrating before my eyes. The attack on the country started long ago with the first barrage of social change directed at the family. The success of family destruction, once completed, has slowly led to the circumstances of chaos that the USA finds itself embroiled in now. There is nothing left to fact check now. The plot to control and own us proudly stands before us in its everyday stance. We are in deep trouble!

People believe that moral and ethical politics can save the day. They are wrong. The corruption of moral decay is in the politics of the day. Elections mean nothing anymore, because “we” always elect who we deserve. That is to say, the same old rot. The root cause of what is quickly becoming the new taboo is the removal of family first ,then………..

God! Specifically, belief in Christianity. The main target is the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church in spite of its many problems, has the answers to all the problems that are eating us up now. If the church that Jesus established falls, we all lose. Rabbani, (Jesus, Master) gave us the instruction of life, but left it up to our free will to make our choice. Our republic was based on the light of Christianity, but we have  fallen from this grace that can save us. The attacks are strong, they are unrelenting, and they are increasing in scope and violence. Why is this happening? To remove good, and to introduce the evil of full control of our lives, that’s why! Sadly, greater and greater numbers of people are falling for this ruse.

With God and the Family gone, we will be under control. Remember, that if we become a nation of “serfs”, it will not be about about the economy,  climate change, wages, health insurance, illegal aliens, oil & gas, cars, food costs, gays, transgenders, abortion, banks, and all the other things in our current normal lives. What about politics? Try rigged elections, wait a minute, isn’t this already……Let me tell you what it will be about! It will be about daily survival, and the degradation of the soul. Without God and Family, there are no morals; there are no ethics. We will be completely owned by the very people that persuaded us that they knew what was best for us. Forget the “Constitution”, it is falling. The powers that are now coming into their own, control the justice factor in the United States, and as more and more immoral judges are appointed to office, the moral standard for fair and equal treatment of the law is disappearing. In the recent few years we have all seen this occurring in courts all over the land. More warning words….

I received an anonymous quote today that I would like to share with you . It is in regard to the Constitution of the United States. Succinct, it clearly covers that of what I have written about in this blog narrative.

“On these times we suffer!!   (Anonymous)

I’ve been warning about this. One of the most important intellectual and legal influencer’s on the founding fathers was Baron de Montesquieu. His ideas run through our constitution which used to be relevant. He wrote about the independent judiciary among the separate branches and said without an independent judiciary, you have tyranny. Independence also means a judiciary that is moral and logical in application of the law. The opposite would be ideological judges and prosecutors who abused process and used their offices and power for particular purposes or ideological reasons.

The republic no longer exists and we are in a war. Like it or not.

Trust me! A very large percentage of high ranking officers know better, but are trapped a system wholly controlled by these forces. They wonder about their oath. The wonder who is the enemy. But they dare not act because the system is rigged against. It’s easier to not think about these things and to concentrate on other things.

Our institutions now suffer the overwhelming weight of accumulated corruptions and usurpations that no single man can bear. But this system discourages and eliminates those who might show initiative or leadership to challenge the status quo when it has abandoned all pretense of moral civil leadership.         End of Quote


The attack on our Constitution is an ongoing battle against (common) sense and sensibility. The sense to recognize evil intent, and the sensibility to say no to this evil. Evil gamers will win the day unless the core of our nation heals itself. Defined, the core is God and Family. It will take courage and resolve to accomplish this, but we either stand tall, or give up our country’s stability and safety. I liken this to the “Active Shooter” security instruction, “Run, Hide, or Fight”…..Which will you do?

Politicians, any politician, and politics in general have failed us. While still vital to our country’s well being, at this point we are not being well served. Divided by conflicting ideologies and philosophies of the two political parties, we have been thrown under the bus by the very people that we entrusted to keep us safe and stable. To my point…the democrats serve one-half of the country, leaving the other half underrepresented, as do the republicans. The democrats have gathered around their war wagons and neither admit to any wrongdoing, nor do they bring any legal action against the wrong doers in their ranks. The republicans are divided in their ranks, and do not gather themselves around one another during times of attacks against their members. They abandon members when the rocks are being thrown, saying nothing, and sometimes turn against the person that lies bleeding from the attacks. The result is no real governing taking place…and as this goes on the Constitution is being torn and burned by the forces that would own you.

God keeps us moral!

The Family keeps us stable!

Without God and Family, the country will fall! The Great Constitution that is the country’s guiding light will fade! The Constitution will have meant nothing!          Civil Clarity Reports  (Podcasts)



Source: Wikipedia    Baron de Montesquieu,

Anonymous source



