Chappy’s Blog ” IN OUR FUTURE” Nov. 22, 2022
Puppet Times
Leadership – is based on many things.
Trust – Productivity – Mission/Vision – Clear Accountability – Driving Outcomes – Overcoming Adversity & Resistance. To me, these traits are the most important tools that a leader needs.
People that possess these gifts and other qualities have always been in abundance, and have stepped up in times of crisis. Today, that kind of person is a scarcity. Instead, we are being led by incompetent people, not only in government, but in business, schools, and in religion. The indoctrination of these fools came gradually, and now we are literally stuck with them. The effect of their failures has changed our way of life as we know it. The sameness of the leaders is easily discernible in the repetition of information that they feed us everyday. If one listens carefully, the analogy of the message, tone , and intent is easily detected. Looking towards the future, I ponder what lies in store for us.
The present leadership is aging, dying off, and soon, the children that grew up in the eighties and nineties will be stepping in to take over the innumerable leadership positions that shape our lives. Take notice of the present leadership in our country, both private, and in government. What is missing? What is lacking is independent thought and action. Independence is taboo. Individualistic people are ostracized and deemed to be the enemy. They are censored and cancelled out of the picture. The country takes the hit, is wounded, and we lose ground, thus weakening our future. The cancel culture is gradually winning the battle of attrition against the meaning of freedom. The restraints are off, and now as I look towards the future, I see in the horizon a horde of the present day youth assuming leadership roles from the eighties/nineties crowd in the near future. It will be a formidable force of sameness that may sink the world.
The purpose of my blogs is to get you to start thinking again. Not the way I think, but in your own independent way. We need to get back to this.
The blog today is about survival of the fittest. Government, schools, businesses, and religious organizations are failing us. Not to mention parents that are neglecting to teach their kids the basic information that is necessary to fight back the attacks on the kids self-esteem, which destroy their emotional well being. Once confused, kids are easily pliable to negative thought. The ownership of their actions become the property of whatever entity is in control. A four year old should not be confused about sexual identity, family history and tradition, the natural laws, or by parental behaviors that produce negative qualities in their children, or by government precepts that are dictatorial in nature. These kids, the succeeding souls of our love will come into positions of power soon enough. The partitions of responsibility in all aspects of leadership will not be handled in an independent manner. When translated, it means that one central control will dictate all our actions. This is going on now! Think about the last three years.
Now is the time to act. The time of complaining is over. Start with the family. If you still have children at home, teach them about God, love, morals, ethics, manners, modesty, give them chores, teach them about their heritage, family history, and folklore. Teach them about freedom and responsibility (limits), about the value of life, respect for animals, their land, and for the environment. Show them by example that every action has a consequence, and to investigate claims made in social media, the news media and by people that are trouble makers. Grandparents, relatives, friends, do the same. Many of us will be gone when the freedom barrier comes down, (hopefully not) so now is the time to act. Love the children enough to renew them!
Additionally, teach the kids to love their country, and the people that made this country into one of the greatest civilizations in history. Give them the good and the bad, and how we strive not to repeat our negative history. An understanding of the behaviors of the past is essential, as many people equate the past with the present. It isn’t so, every age before us had different behaviors simply because they were living in their time, and not in ours. Every period in history is distinct. It was give and take. Many bad things happened, and much good was introduced at the same time. Revised history is not a proper teaching tool. Find and utilize first-account authors to impart the information.
The United States of America is not an evil country. The country is just like us, we make mistakes, and we learn from them. Our history is replete with error, but every time our country falls, it gets back up and works to correct itself. We’re not perfect, but the code of conduct established by our forefathers eventually rectifies and corrects our mistakes.
Right now, as you read this, our country and the world really, is being led by a bunch of failures. Republican or Democrat, they are weakening our resolve, mentally, emotionally, and physically. They want women to rebel, and men to be effeminate and subservient. They are winning many willing children and young adults to their way of thinking. It is cultural mind control! Take this power away from the social justice dummies, and we’ve won the battle. We can only succeed if we are united in the cause. In our future, it will be necessary to decentralize the political cabal that is starting to take us over. Only strong-minded, moral and ethically minded people of an independent nature will be able to do this.
Come-on, let’s do it! Let us go to battle! Let us do it for our children.
“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion”
(Alexander the Great)