Chappy’s Blog 12/07/21
There are many root causes in the continuing breakup of our American society today. All of these issues have been discussed to excess by many known and unknown pundit’s and writers. These discussions are heard everywhere that we go these days, and media portrays every event in their own system of ideas and ideals. License to break the rules of law are perceived by some as a freedom to act out and rebel against common sense. The relief for all of this lawlessness is within our view, but for some reason it is never addressed by the people in office that we the people have elected. Instead of confronting the ongoing crime in our country, our elected officials downgraded the courts, the police, and cancel-cultured those that attempted to speak out against the “woke” stupidity sweeping the nation. The US of A is sinking rapidly in the midst of arguably the most dangerous time in world history. Russia and China are our main threat, but in all honesty, the entire world is mired in unrest, and by mandated sequestered hypocrisy by leaders that are out of touch with the chaos that is of their own making. In my opinion, 2022 is will be the time of our illumination. Our nations decline or survival is near. We need to reach those in office that can help us to re-identify 1776, and thus bring us back to center, or we can keep going along with the flow, and lose ourselves in the unpleasant times that will surely rule our lives. This piece is about the people that work for us in the political world. If you stood side by side with one of our elected, would you be able to identify with one of them?
(Identity is a close similarity or affinity)
Like forever, money rules the day. I’ll began with U.S. Congress and the U.S. Senate. Internet research has provided me with lists of current U.S. Senators and Congressmen’s net worth. It is claimed that half of these people are millionaires. The average net worth of these 50% is over $7,000,000. The other 50% are not suffering too much. The other part of this equation that we cannot set a value to the freebies and perks that go with the job. Come on, after a while these people identify more with the power of the job than with their actual duties, which include the protection of constituents, and their property. Polls drive these puppies, not your unanswered calls to their offices. Their world is rooted in the acceptance that they get from the “politically correct” crew, then from the true needs of the country, which is us. Democrats are on a power high right now, and republicans walk the tightrope, hoping that they can be effective by not taking chances. I walk around thinking, who are these goofballs that hold all of our lives in sway, living beyond their/our means, using our money to put forth agenda’s that that are totally contrary to moral and ethical standards. I am not at all able to relate to these media freaks that disappoint every time they open their mouth. The book is open on all of these disappointments! Here are a few…add your own if you like.
Freedom of worship – Remember when we were locked out of our places of worship. Politicians had help on this one, weak kneed church leaders gave it up to the state over God
Inflation – We are living through this insanity at the present time. Who is to blame for this? Anwer: we are! We have allowed the elected officials to run our lives. All we have become is a commodity. We are bought and paid for with a few trinkets and promises. Every election season, goodies are waved before our eyes, and “walla”, we vote in the same bunch of reknowns. I guess we like danger!? Even our kids know better. Remember, “Stranger Danger”! Come on dudes! At least check out their voting records before casting your vote. Ya vasta…….
Electric Cars – Can you actually afford the purchase price, the batteries or the maintenance of these cars ? Climate Change is being used to scare us into abandoning our fuel burning cars, and energy needs. America has addressed climate change, meeting standards that China and other defiant countries refuse to implement to reduce their carbon emissions, and other types of pollution that are poisoning the earths soil, oceans, rivers, and air. Americans are at the forefront to reduce carbon emissions. Don’t you think our government should be doing more to bring these defiant nations under control? Why are the American people being punished by forced relinquishment of our gas driven vehicles, even as we lead the charge to control emissions, and have succeeded in doing so. Has any of your elected officials asked you about your needs in this regard? We are once again being played! Think it out sensibly. Study before you agree to anything.
Race – Are you really a racist, a bigot, a hater of other people? The vast majority of American’s do not fit those categories. Since childhood, I have been around many people. If a kid was different than me, I would check the kid out quickly, and continue playing. The kids that I played with did the same. Today, we are being told that we are a racist nation by people that want to control my thoughts. Politicians are hot on it because they are very aware that a good part of Americans have been weakened by the constant pounding of the “Critical Race Theory” chamber pot. The word “theory” is in the description of the terminology which indicates “Critical Race Theory” as not yet proven. It never will be. I have actually known people that fit the CRT profile, but these people were never in the majority population. They were mostly loners that were ostracized by the crowd that I hung out with. They weren’t all white either. This issue is another “thinker” for you to discern! Politician’s, and their cohort message media have no idea on how we walk our daily lives. How the hell do they know how we feel about anything!? Have they ever asked you for your opinion or thoughts? Be honest!
There is certainly much more to write about this subject, “Scission”. We are a divided people. Those in office at every level, local, state, and nationally have lost touch with us. Coequal dems/repubs drivel is controlling my life, your life, and the direction of the country, and that of the world. I have friends that embrace lies as truth, and friends that feeling helpless before the onslaught, give in to the lies. Enemies are created as a result, and people like me are viewed in delusional anger by those that indoctrinated hate controls. How do we stop all of this before it succeeds in destroying us all, and the promise that America once was? The first is for you to come to the realization that politicians work for us, not the other way around. Stop placing these strangers on a pedestal. You don’t really know them! Let us work our way up from the local to the federal level. Make these people accountable to us, the bill payers. If they are failures, do a 1176 on then, fire them, vote them out. These jerks have had their fifteen minutes of fame. They’ve cleaned the bank out, and lied their last. Now it is time to do the bouncers walk on them. Grab them by their shirt collar, and rear pants belt, walk them to the exit door, and kick them to the curb. Tell them in no uncertain terms to never step into our house again. Be real to each other again, and please, please start thinking again! Our country and the world will thank you for it.