Chappy’s Blog    “Suffering”          June 28, 2023

     It is not an avoidable annoyance. One can’t buy their way out of it, pray themselves free, nor run from it. In one form or another, suffering will eventually overtake all of us. Suffering is a constant, it roams the world seeking out souls in hiding, ambushing them when they least expect it, and overtaking those that try to flee. It’s the human condition.

Modern people don’t take to suffering very well. Remember the shelves being empty in the recent past. Complaints, bellyaching, hopelessness, and a sense of entitlement loss took the country over. Instead of self-reliability, most fell into the trap of depending on the government for their sustainability and well-being. The government stepped in with survival money that many expected to continue after the panic-demic. The populations self-reliance was exactly nil ! From that point on until the present, it appears that those in power (politicians-media-corporations) have the formula down on how to control a “suffering” population.  

Americans are the biggest users of narcotics in the world. A small country could subsist on the amount of money spent on drug abuse in the United States. Why are we the biggest abusers? Because we like the easy way out. It’s easy to erase the emotional pain of life by dropping down a pill, snorting a substance, smoking a smoother, or poking a needle into ones arm….with the intention of making it all better. Why suffer, when one can take something to erase the pain of suffering……Right!

Have you seen all the suffering going on in the “Karen-Kevin”videos? I came upon one of these on Youtube, and I gotta tell you it was pathetic and sad to see people falling apart at mostly drive-in restaurants. We have all at one time or another been shorted a frie or the burger order was messed up, but to go off my rocker has not been my M.O. I usually go in and straighten out the order, or if I’m too far away, I suck it up and move on. In these video’s, people lose it completely, and sometimes resort to violence to make their point. Everyone inside the drive-in is suffering in one way or another. To lose ones dignity like this illustrates my point that people want to escape their suffering in any manner that places it on somebody else’s shoulders. People have enough troubles of their own, why not try to resolve the issue with the employee, and if unable to remedy the problem, just leave with their dignity intact. (There are other fixes for sure)

Real suffering took place in our country’s history. Native tribes made do with very little. They managed to survive with what nature gave them. Suffering was a given, and they were actually rich beyond our imagination. Sometimes having nothing is better than having everything. Suffering with joy is a virtue as far as I am concerned. Early settlers to the America’s suffered immensely too! Coming from Europe , these people suffered with having nothing, and yet persisted, building lives, developing towns and cities, and with our great gratitude gave us the United States of America! Today, today, we have lost sight of the great gift of hard work, persistence, and the ability to look forward beyond our own selfish needs. Nothing worth having is free; hard work, sweat. and suffering created this country. It sold out to convenience, and to the consensus of easy living. Why suffer, it will be given out freely to those that cry the loudest.

Religion…here we go! In my Catholic religion, we were taught that suffering was the way to perfection, the road to the promised kingdom. Carrying our own cross, we were to avoid the near occasion of sin, give our will over to God, and to do works for the Glory of the Father. Is what I just said, hard?! Give me a break Jake! This means that the hardest suffering is to not sin. Today, a vast amount of people do not believe that God has a bearing in their lives. They say they believe in a spiritual something, but go no further to find out what that spiritual thing is. In my church, the men that influence things have decided (not all-a minority are standing up for right, but are one by one being shut down and cancelled) to accommodate those that want to live in sin. Why make these poor darlings suffer, after all we live in these modern times of self-indulgence. The Ten Commandments are outdated!  

Suffering is normal, it is a part of us. ya can’t escape it!

What to do? I honestly do not know! The newest generations are lost souls. Before them and leading the charge against normality are the 60’s hippies that promoted free love, anti-parent attitudes, do as you please slogans that now permeate the culture with weird sexual idea’s, and the cry that a women’s health is godly, as this godliness allows a woman to decide life or death. It is paganism at its evil best. Why suffer, the god of sloth rules the underworld. This is what we face as we move forward in these unruly times. 

I pray, I try not to fall, and when I do, I get up and try again. I do suffer, but I do it with joy. I was once in the underworld myself, but I fell hard, and awoke to find that my suffering had meaning. Thus, I have hope for a better life after this one ends.

Before You Act, Be Informed, Be Who You Are, “Be Free” !

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