Chappy’s Blog :   The Future Needs “Machismo”              July 15, 2023

(Macho…..tending to display many characteristics such as domineering, fierceness, bravado, etc., in ways that are slowly and histrionically tough)

When thinking on the term, “macho”, I have traditionally pictured a Latino looking tough, threatening, a bully. But after giving it some thought, I have to place the idea of men being toxic bullies in the minority category. The men and boys that I grew up around represented a different sort of “machismo” than that of a bully. I grew up around Hispanic men that represented a strength that is sadly missing today. This particular trait in men is under attack as men have been harangued and harassed in the Hispanic community in a concerted effort to control their behaviors.

The term “toxic man” has been socially engineered negatively by a “minority” of protagonists that expect conformity to their unnatural demands. The confusion amongst men created an abyss of identity and gender. Feminism has rooted itself in politics, the media, and especially with gullible women that believe that “Toxic Man” prevents their progressing as women. In their eyes, men are viewed as toxic in their overall behavior towards women. It’s a lie that is told over and over again; it is quite simply a “bully” tactic that is winning the day for a minority group (most women believe otherwise) that knows how to use the social platform that technology provides. Its a big fat lie!

The destruction of the male psyche has wrecked real family life. Many men have fallen for the “toxic man” ploy, and are now indentured puppets to an absurd and unnatural outcome of averages. What has emerged from the fire of deceit are males that embrace the effeminate, and no longer follow the natural law certifying that men are male and women are female. The roles are clearly set by the Creator, and no amount of anti-definition can ever change that. A man’s role is to lead the family, to protect the members of the family, and more importantly to guide the family towards a spirituality that will guide them to a life of moral and ethical conduct. If this is considered toxic, then I’m all in! A man’s true identity is to to be a good example, and not a bully….that men are toxic is bull pucky!

The feminist destruction of manhood has resulted in many negative events and actions that are going to bring down the United States. To achieve this end, the nuclear family had to be torn apart. Once this was done, God had to be removed from the family. Why did God have to go? Easy, because without a spiritual center, family members, especially women’s beliefs could be modified and controlled. Next, sexual images were introduced, and sexual talk was deemed acceptable in public. Once this was done, it was easy to erase the morals of modesty and chastity that most people believed in. The traditional ways gave way to a modernistic mentality of personal freedom and choice. The bombardment of character attacks on men has the country  on the brink of societal disaster. Weak men cannot protect anyone.

What am I to think when I hear the word “f__K and motherf__ker” in almost every conversation? Those two words are in almost every movie that Hollywood produces. The words are so common that they have been included in Websters Dictionary. Drag queens perform in our schools. In many school districts, girls can be directed to abortion mills without the parents consent, are (girls & boys) encouraged to declare a gender identity, and are taught hatred of independent political thought, and learn  revisionist history. In my church, some priests are pushing the homosexual agenda, transgenderism acceptance, and the right to receive the sacraments without being in the state of Grace. Men, in point, white men, are now devils, and men in general are deplorable human beings. We’re to believe that a skinny female actress can be a superhero that destroys huge men in hand to hand combat, and television shows depict men as weak fools, bumbling idiots that have to be straightened out by their obnoxious children. That’s where we are!

I hope that people wake up, especially men. Men need to recognize that they can have independent thought, and more importantly can figure things out on their own, without outside prodding. Guys, get your kids out of their technology  viewing bedrooms, teach them to have responsibilities in the household, give them a sound sense of morality and ethics, introduce them to the world out there and its great beauty. Tell them about your ancestors as a lesson in the the life of the family, about respect and manners, regard for those in authority, and most importantly, teach them to pray. God answers prayer, I know this for a fact. If you are not a believer, give them a sense of right and wrong. Do not let “society” run your life. Be a “MAN”, it is your real role ! The example that you emanate to you family is a positive. The warmth that you exude is true “Machismo”.

This piece is not a new lesson in manhood. It is the natural order. Survival of the family and the world is at stake. Men cannot shirk their responsibility and duty to the family. It is contingent on men and women to know their true role in life. All this gender and role modification is leading us downhill. The end result is disaster !

Your comments are welcomed. These thoughts come from an ordinary guy. I don’t have all the answers, nor do I have any illusions of possessing great wisdom. What I do have is common sense… I observe people and the thinking of today. I can’t lie to myself. We are in deep trouble because of the woke thinking that says in order to fit in, I have to conform to ideology’s that quite frankly are unnatural and evil. Like I always say………

“Before You Act, Be Informed, Be Who You Are. “Be Free” !

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